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This is a horror █████ ███ ██████.

Please, make sure that the patient is wearing a pair of headphones in order to █████ the results.

Any patient showing signs of ███████ ████ must be cleared out after the 467767 treatment.

Do not make use of the ████ ██████ ██ 467767 if the patient has been previously ██████ ██ ███ ███ or if he/she is in a ██████ relationship with other inmates.

During the treatment period, always refer to the term "horror" as explained in the attachment 467767-1b.

Remember: the most important █████ ██ █████ of the treatment 467767 is the patient's unawareness.

-Dr. ██████ ███████



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Hypno-467767.exe 15 MB